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CORT Furniture Rental

We know it may not always be the right time to purchase furniture, but that doesn't mean the need for it disappears. That's why MexLucky has partnered with CORT, the global leader in furniture rentals, to offer you the very best in rental office furniture when buying isn't the best option.

We offer home office furniture rental, corporate and healthcare furniture rentals, and add-on rentals for COVID-19 temporary redesign. Renting makes sense if you're a start-up and want to save capital, or if you need office furniture faster than typical lead times allow. Maybe you want the flexibility to easily manage moves, adds, and changes (MAC) in your office without maintaining an inventory. Whatever your situation may be, rental furniture is a smart solution that offers your business the kind of flexibility it needs. Short and long term rentals available. As Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathway, and one of the world's top investors has said, "Successful investing means knowing when to buy and sell, and when to rent."

Renting gives you flexibility with the freedom to change your mind. Whether you need something for 2 months or 2 years, our rental terms are flexible and made to work for you.

When renting furniture is a good option:

  • You are strapped for time, money, or both.
  • You want the option to "return" a product if it no longer meets your needs.
  • You want the option to change your mind.
  • You want to make environmentally-friendly choices and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • You want or need more flexibility in your life or business.
  • You are focused on picking the right product solution and testing things out before investing.
  • Ownership is not your goal.

Interested in Furniture Rentals?

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Learn More About CORT Furniture Rental